California Dreaming

I only returned from my last holiday a few weeks ago, but I’m already planning my next adventure. For some unknown reason, I have always wanted to visit San Francisco. I really don’t know why this passion is so strong, but every time anyone mentions this city something calls to me and reignites my longing to visit this beautiful place.

So, why have I not ventured here on holiday you ask? Good question! I have been fortunate to visit some amazing places in my time, and there are still so many more I would love to see. There’s just not enough time or money to be able to do it all ๐Ÿ™‚ but I have convinced my husband that our next excursion will be to the sunny coast of California, where I will finally get to visit the elegant SF.

With our Trailfinders brochures ordered, we’ve now set upon the task of deciding where we will go. ย The only problem is trying to pick our route, with so many to choose from it’s going to be difficult. From the stunning Yosemite National Park and the glitz of LA and Hollywood to laid back resort of San Diego and the city that never sleeps, Las Vegas (OK, so I know technically this isn’t in California but you couldn’t fly all this way and not spend a little time in one of the world’s most opulent cities!!).

We’ve agreed the best way to get around will be motorhome style, our time is our own and we can decide when and where we want to stay. If we like somewhere we can hang around a few days, and if we’re not loving somewhere else we can hop straight back on the road to our next destination.

Being as impatient as I am, I would love to travel this year. Unfortunately we’re not super rich, so we’re planning for next year. All I can say is roll on 2014 and the feel of the Californian sun on my face and wind through my hair.

I’m going to enjoy planning this trip very much ๐Ÿ™‚

Lucky Shoes

When it comes to job interviews, they can be pretty nerve wracking. There’s so much you need to prepare, research, make sure you know where you’re going (don’t just rely on Sat Nav alone – I made that mistake and ended up being 10 minutes late, not a good first impression!!) and finally what you’re going to wear.

I’ve read a few different articles that advise you to wear smart things, a suit ideally. It’s always better to dress up then look like you haven’t made an effort. All pretty basic, common sense stuff. I also read somewhere once to add a little something to make you stand out, be remembered and not just another face in a black suit.

When I was searching for a new job last year, I decided to wear a simple black fitted dress, black tights and my new pair of leopard print kitten heel shoes. I looked professional, smart but with a hint of attitude.


I kept my jewellery simple and my make-up soft. After all I didn’t want to scare them!

I think by having just one statement piece of clothing or jewellery you can emerge from the crowd, make a lasting impression and be the person who gets that dream job.

That particular interview went very well and I was offered the job. Unfortunately it didn’t quite work out, and I have since had around five or six interviews. For each one I have worn my trusty outfit, and each one has been a positive experience. So for me, it’s like having a lucky charm. It gives me an extra boost of confidence when needed most, and although I know the shoes don’t have any special powers, they’ve not failed me yet! (said whilst touching wood lol)


So, when you have something big and important coming up like an interview or performance or maybe even a sport, do you have a lucky item that you can’t leave the house without?