A gift of love….

On Christmas morning I remember thinking what a lucky lady I am. Not because I got lots of presents (although I was quite spoilt :-)) but because I’m married to such a thoughtful, caring and considerate man.

Out of all the gifts I received, this one is definitely top of the list. It didn’t cost a fortune, it isn’t dripping with diamonds and I can’t spend it in any of my favourite shops. The reason I love it so much is because it came from the heart.

Let me take you back a year. For my wedding gift, my husband bought me a photo album and for over a year it remained empty, sitting on a pile of ‘things to do’ when I get a minute.

photo book cover

A few days before Christmas, he locked himself away in our study and at the time I actually thought he was being rude and moody. How little did I know.

Christmas morning I was presented with this album complete with photos and captions detailing my husband’s thoughts and feelings for me. Some of the photos are cringe worthy and certainly not taken from my best angle; however that is what makes it even more special. The fact he can look past the bad mornings where I look like a cast member from ‘Dawn of the Dead’ and where I’m being just a little bit silly impersonating a gorilla for the delight of my niece. A surprising number of me with food are included which just proves how much I love to eat!

inside photo bookinside photo book 1But in just a few pages, he managed to capture all of the little things he loves about me, both good and bad. And this is why I thought to myself on Christmas morning, what a lucky lady I am.

So whenever I’m feeling a bit down, or need a booster of happiness, I will look through this album and be reassured that I am someone who is loved and cherished.