A new dawn for a new day

Well, that’s it. Christmas is done for another year. I have completely scoffed and drank myself into a merry stupor, spent quality time with loved ones and welcomed the new year in with some bubbly and fun games.

And after all that, I decided to reflect a little on what 2012 meant to me. There have been ups and downs, I left my job after five years to pursue a career within a large, well known corporate brand, only to discover that the corporate world is not for me. I’ve done a bit of travelling with my husband to the other side of the world, pondered over moving there, and deciding I’d miss home too much.

I’ve felt lost, out of control and a failure. Feeling jealous of those who know exactly who they want to be, where they want to be and how they’re going to get there. I’m still not 100% sure of what I want to do, I just know I’d like to wake up in the morning and feel like I have a purpose, that I’m contributing to something and above all, appreciated. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, is it?

So, with a brand new year ahead of me, I’m determined (and positive) that I will find my way. I’m going to be proactive and see what happens. For my first act, I have enrolled on a flower arranging course. I’ve always held an interest in things creative, and I’m hoping this will be something I really enjoy. And who knows there may be an undiscovered florist lurking in me somewhere!

What does 2013 hold in store for me? I have no idea. But what I do know is that I’m going to make the most of it, and with the support of my friends and family, anything is possible.

Happy New Year to you all and may it bring health, happiness and prosperity.
