Bite size yoga for beginners

I mentioned in a previous post that I had ordered a new yoga DVD – Roxy’s Bite Size Yoga Define & Tone – so I wanted to give you an update after trying it out.

Roxys Bite Size Yoga

Firstly can I just mention that I’m a yoga novice and apart from maybe trying one class at the gym once, I’ve never done any kind of yoga. The reason I decided to buy this DVD was because I read a review in Look magazine where it was given 4/5 stars.

The DVD is split into six different 15 minute workouts to target different areas of the body and either energize or relax and stretch. You can either do them all at once for a complete 1.5hr yoga workout, or you can split them up and do individually depending on time and your goals. Roxy suggested doing one in the morning to “wake you up” and one in the evening to calm and relax. The sessions are below.

1. Full Body Energy

2. Lower Body Tone

3. Core Power

4. Upper Back & Shoulder Soother

5. Hips & Lower Back Release

6. Deep Stretch

So far I’ve only done the individual workouts, or perhaps two in one go and I’ve found them very easy to follow. Some of the positions can be challenging, but she offers alternatives if you’re not quite able to master the more difficult poses. After each session I feel a sense of calm and tranquility, which could be great for anyone whose had a bit of a stressful day.

I would recommend anyone interested in trying yoga to give this DVD a whirl. I paid £9.99 from Amazon and so far I’ve used it every day for a week, so that works out to under £1.50 a day! Plus you get a free recipe booklet for easy to prepare healthy meals!

My only (small) criticism would be the resolution doesn’t seem to be great, but in my opinion this isn’t really an issue as you’re only watching it for a short period of time, and plus you’re not really watching it but listening to her instructions 🙂

I hope my review has been useful and would love to hear from you about your yoga experiences.

Thanks x