No7 Stay Perfect™ Nail Colour

I love trying out new nail polish and for Christmas I was looking for a nice metallic grey. Whilst shopping in Boots I came across the No7 Stay Perfect™ Nail Colour in Celestial. I was also tempted by the deep burgundy shade of Damsom Dream. I thought both colours worked perfectly for the festive season and I knew I had some glitter varnish at home that would complement nicely.

Damson DreamN07 Celestial

I always apply a coat of OPI Start to Finish as it works as a base and top coat. My first impressions of the No7 range were the colours were vibrant and once dried looked very nice. I had some issues with the brush being quite bulbous and difficult to get the polish into the corners and sides, without getting it all over my fingers. I think they would benefit from having a smaller more angled brush to allow better precision.

They definitely need two coats in order to get a solid coverage as the first coat is quite thin. I then finish off with another coat of OPI. They take quite a while to dry so not ideal for anyone looking to paint just before a night out. You need to give them a good 30-45 minutes drying, without touching anything as they smudge.

No7 Damsom Dream

Overall I was quite pleased with the finished look, but I did have to take a cotton bud with varnish remover around the edges of my nails, to remove any excess.

Unfortunately this varnish is not built to last, as despite applying a top coat the colour chips and flakes from the tips after only a few days! Priced at £6.00 I guess they’re not going to be as good as some of the high end brands.

Final thoughts are they’re great for a night out, but don’t expect them to last much past Monday.

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